Teach the song by rote prompting the students to keep a steady slow beat on their laps.
Instruct the students to mirror your movements as you slowly body map the pitches of the song.
We are — tap shoulders twice
danc-ing — tap hands twice
in the — tap shoulders twice
for-est — tap waist twice
Sing the song with the accompaniment.
Play the singing game:
In a standing circle facing center, students sing the song while moving the circle clockwise.
One student, the wolf, stands to the side and improvises different created responses to the question, "Wolf are you there?" (I'm brushing my teeth. I'm taking a nap. I'm going to the store.)
After the song is sung several times the wolf will respond with I'm coming to get you and will rush to tag the students in the circle before they can duck and cover. The students who are tagged join the wolf "pack" and improvise responses.
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