Invite students to listen to a portion of "Hey, Let's Make New Friends" (stop after the spoken section). Demonstrate the motions with an imaginary partner, and call each section, A, B, or C, as it occurs.
A Section:
Hey! Let's make new friends! — pat the beat on your lap throughout the verse
B Section:
Make — clap 2 times (after singing Make)
new friends — clap 2 times (after singing new friends)
but keep the old — hands clasp over heart
one is silver — extend pointer finger
and the other gold — form a "heart" shape with both pointer fingertips touching downward and both curved thumbs touching
C Section:
Find a new friend you can greet — fist-bump imaginary partner and say your name
Nod your heads to the beat — nod head to the beat
Keep in time and don't be slow — same as above
Wave goodbye, it's time to go! — wave and then jump-spin 180°
Choose a "student teacher" to be your face-to-face partner. Play that same portion of the song again and perform the motions together.
Pair students with partners. Form a standing circle with face-to-face partners around the perimeter, one facing clockwise and the other facing counter-clockwise, so that each set of partners is back-to-back with adjacent set of partners.
PREP Challenge students to practice the jump-spin, facing a new partner and back-to-back with their previous partner.
Play entire song and invite students to join in singing with the motions. (The second B section lyrics are Wave your arms to the beat.) Play as many times as desired.
ASK How many different sections to the song did we perform? (three) Explain that different sections of music are identified with letter names to show its form. Form is the structure or pattern of the music.
Distribute the letter shapes to 8 students. Remaining students take turns suggesting the lineup of the 8 students to show the order of the song's form. Play song so students can hold up their letters to affirm correct order.(ABACACBA)
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